NAMI Western Massachusetts
1221 Main Street Suite 100, (In the Catherine Horan Medical Building) Holyoke MA 01040
413-786-9139 ~

For a printable copy of NAMI Western Massachusetts brochure 
"Open Your Mind" with all our important information please click the image below.

NAMI Western Massachusetts Board of Directors
Tamari Cole - President
Kateri M. Walsh - Vice President
Donna M. Roundy - Treasurer
Eileen McKeever - Secretary
Lesley Baird - Director
Susan DiVenuto - Director
Bernice Drumheller - Director
Natasha Mercado-Santana - Director
Bonnie Pueschel - Director

For a summary of NAMI Western Massachusetts 2023 activities: Click Here​​

About Us

Based in Holyoke, Massachusetts our volunteers, board members, and staff, are dedicated to spreading mental health awareness and various support and educational programs across Franklin, Hampshire, and Hampden Counties. Our office, located at 1221 Main Street, Suite 100 (Catherine Horan Medical Building) serves as a resource center for those affected by mental health issues and their family and friends. Please stop by and visit with our staff and volunteers to discuss how we can help you or those you love. As one of twenty-one NAMI affiliates in Massachusetts, we maintain a resource library, literature on various mental illnesses, and treatment options. We welcome you to browse our website for events in the area, up to date legislative and news information, area resources and more.